MONITOR | Université Le Havre Normandie (Partenaire)

Nom du projet :


Nom du laboratoire/de la structure qui porte le projet :

Université Le Havre Normandie (Partenaire du Projet)

Site web du projet ou du laboratoire/structure :

Dates du projet :


Thème(s) du projet :

  • Énergie océanique

Résumé du projet :

The MONITOR project is investigating the reliability of tidal energy converters (TECs) and will work with industry to develop tools to improve device reliability.

Description détaillée :

The MONITOR project is investigating the reliability of tidal energy converters (TECs), using a range of methods and will develop tools to help TEC developers improve device reliability. The MONITOR project partners will identify critical parameters for blades and support structures and design a monitoring system suitable for Magallanes and Sabella (the two tidal energy developers being used as test subjects in the investigation). The monitoring system will aim to lower engineering safety factors, thus lowering cost while also improving reliability. A generalised monitoring system will then be developed that can be applied to any TEC design, to de-risk TEC development, improve reliability and increase capacity factor (i.e. power generated as a proportion of theoretical capacity) and lower capital expenditure (CAPEX) and OPEX. This will foster growth of the tidal energy sector. TEC reliability is a crucial challenge for the tidal energy sector and overcoming it will demonstrate TEC feasibility to investors and public bodies.

Informations sur les moyens d'essais utilisés :

Numerical  In situ  Experimental trials in laboratories

Perspectives liées au projet :

The aim of the MONITOR project is to carry out investigations into tidal energy converter (TEC) reliability, using a range of methods to provide better quantification of technical risk to TEC developers and more robust TEC designs.
The key objectives are:
  • Reliability: Providing tools and shared learning to developers to improve and optimise reliability of TEC;
  • Feasibility: Reduce risk in TEC, thus demonstrating feasibility to investors and public bodies;
  • Development: Minimise the time to market in the development phase;
  • Cost: Lower the cost TEC development;
  • Performance: Contribute to low OPEX and increased performance in the production phase;
  • Growth: Develop the tidal energy industry which will help foster growth of renewable energy sector.

Financement du projet :

The MONITOR project has received funding from the European Union’s Interreg Atlantic Area programme. Four thematic areas have been identified that reflect the choice and needs of the programme partners and stakeholders. The MONITOR project received funding for priority 2: Fostering resource efficiency.

Partenaires du projet :

Swansea University (lead partner)  Magallanes Renovables S.L.  Sabella SAS  Université Le Havre Normandie  University College Cork  European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)  Universidade do Algarve   Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult  Région Normandie.
Publié le 3 mai 2021 Mis à jour le 3 mai 2021